Programs - Chester Family Centre The Chester and Area Family Resource Centre aims to provide a wide range of programs, information, resources and services to help reduce isolation, improve community resourcefulness and increase opportunities for children, youth and families in the Municipality of Chester and surrrounding communities. Thu, 19 Dec 2013 05:30:20 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Infant Room (6 months-17 months) What the Program Has to offer:infant room
The infant curriculum is based on developing positive relationships in the growth and development of the children.
Teachers greet infants and parents warmly and enthusiastically each day.
Infants learn by experiencing the environment through their senses-seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling.
Teachers respond to the infants needs so they develop a trust in their caregiver and feel secure in their environment.
Infant reports are shown to parents on a daily basis. This report includes pertinent information about the infant’s day (feeding, diaper changes, sleeping time).

Program Hours:
Monday - Friday 7am-6pm

$29.00 per day full-time full-day (5 days per week)

$31.00 per day part-time full-day (1-4 days per week)

$33.00 per day drop-in

[email protected] (Administrator) all programs Tue, 04 Aug 2009 17:28:00 +0000
Toddler Room (18 months -35 months) toddler roomWhat the Program Has to offer:
Teachers greet the children and the parents warmly and enthusiastically every day.  Each child’s day include lots of teacher – child contact.
Toddlers are given a wide variety of age appropriate art media and given the opportunity to explore and manipulate the materials.  Teachers are supporting the children as they acquire more skills.

Children learn about the world around them through regular routine tasks.  Diaper changing, toilet learning, eating and other routines will be viewed as learning experiences.

Teachers play with the children, modeling for them how to play imaginatively.  Each day, children have the opportunities for exploratory activities and large muscle play both indoor and outdoor play areas.

Each day has a set routine for the children security, but time schedules will be flexible and dictated by the children needs.  Teachers will have daily reports with parents, as well as communicating daily with parents, sharing any pertinent information about the child.

Program Hours:
Monday - Friday 7am-6pm

$26.00 per day full-time full-day (5 days per week)

$28.00 per day part-time full-day (1-4 days per week)

$31.00 per day drop-in

[email protected] (Administrator) all programs Tue, 04 Aug 2009 17:28:00 +0000
Pre-School Room (3-5 years) What the Program Has to offer:
pre-school roomTeachers provide experiences that meet the children’s needs and stimulate learning in all developmental areas, including physical, social, emotional and intellectual.

Children will learn through interaction with teachers, active exploration, materials and other children.
Teachers will facilitate the children’s learning by asking questions, adding more ideas or materials and by making suggestions.

Children will use their large motor skills everyday as they play in both the indoor and outdoor play areas.
Teachers will communicate with parents on a regular basis about their child’s development.

$26.00 per day full-time full-day (5 days per week)

$28.00 per day part-time full-day (1-4 days per week)

$31.00 per day drop-in

[email protected] (Administrator) all programs Fri, 20 Jan 2012 14:26:39 +0000
Before/After School Care What the Program Has to offer:kidztimepre-school
Chester/Bayview/Gold River

The needs of the children will be met through an environment that provides many opportunities for exploration and independent choice.  The program is flexible, with challenging and fun experiences.  The environment is designed for children to learn through play and active involvement, block play, creative art, dramatic play, science and math, singing and listening to music, games and puzzles.

Children have the opportunity for large muscle activities, both indoor and outdoor play areas.  Teachers will communicate with parents on a daily basis.

$13.00 day/ Full time 5 days a week
$15.00 day/ Part time 1-4 days a week
$26.00 day/ Full day 5 days a week
$28.00 days/ Part day 1-4 days a week

Before School $9.00/day Includes breakfast

All of our Programs meet the food and nutrition regulations.  We have posted menus that rotate every 4 weeks.


Program Hours:

Part Day Program Hours:
Monday-Friday 1:30pm-6pm


Full Day Program Hours:
Monday-Friday 7am-6pm

Family Centre staff and full-time childcare will have priority access and then sign up will be on a first come first serve basis.

*Registration Fee: $15 per child


[email protected] (Administrator) all programs Tue, 04 Aug 2009 17:28:00 +0000
Playgroup playgroupWhat the Program Has to offer:
Playgroup is a socialization time for children aged 6 months – 5 years. We play, have snacks, do crafts and sing songs.

Program Hours:

Please call 275-4347 for more information

Drop-in fee $2/child includes snack and craft supplies

[email protected] (Administrator) all programs Wed, 03 Jun 2009 13:42:10 +0000
New Parents Group What the Program Has to offer:
This group will be of interest to all new moms and dads. We meet once a month to introduce new parents to the community and each other. Please call 275-4347 for more information.

[email protected] (Administrator) all programs Wed, 03 Jun 2009 13:42:10 +0000